25–27 Sept 2023
Ruhr University Bochum
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hadronic Interactions in CRPropa

25 Sept 2023, 16:00
Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum


Julien Dörner (TP IV RUB)


The most relevant energy loss channel for Galactic Cosmic rays (GCRs) are the interactions with the ambient gas called hadronic interactions (HI). These interactions produce gamma-rays in the very high energy band as well as neutrinos and secondary leptons, hence establishing a connection between these messengers as observed on Earth. This is especially relevant with the recent observation of the Milky Way in high energy neutrinos where the multi messenger modelling of GCRs provides a more complete picture.

In this talk the implementation of HI for primary protons on a proton target, based on different parametrisations of the production cross-section, is presented. We apply different interaction models to simulate the interactions of GCRs with giant local molecular clouds and compare the results of the parametrised models to directly interfaced event generators.

Primary author

Julien Dörner (TP IV RUB)


Presentation materials