25–27 Sept 2023
Ruhr University Bochum
Europe/Berlin timezone


Stay in Bochum:

The traveling distance between the airports in Dortmund, Cologne/Bonn and Düsseldorf and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum is two hours at the most. Düsseldorf airport is the most easily accessible one for a stay in Bochum, with up to eight direct trains per hour running between the airport and Bochum’s main train station; the journey takes about half an hour. You can buy tickets directly at the train stations at ticket automats.



We reserved a limited number of rooms in the IBIS Bochum

You can book it with the code "CRPropa2023". 

You can choose between a single room (72.31€ per night) and a double room (97.31€ per night). Breakfeast is included. The rooms are reserved until 18.08.2023.

Booking is possible via email: H1440@accor.com or telephone: +49 (0) 234 33311.



WiFi is available through eduroam in the lucture room. If you don't have an eduroam account please ask the LOC for a guest account. 


Accessibility of the lecture room in Bochum:

The lecture room in Bochum is located near the ‘Bergbau-Museum’ in Bochum. You can reach it easily by catching the underground (U-Bahn) train U35 (CampusLinie). You can get into the underground at the main station Bochum. On workdays, the U35 (going to Herne Schloß Strünkede) departs in five-minute intervals. You have to get out at the station ‘Deutsches Bergbau-Museum’, it takes about 2 minutes to go from the main train station to this station. 
It is the easiest, if you follow the signs for the ‘Bergbau-Museum’ to get out of the station.

The event takes place in Bochum in the lecture hall from the archeological institute (red circle). You should see a lawn with the museum in the back when you leave the underground train station. In the map, you find the way from the underground stop to the building. Once you are inside, the signs will lead you to the lecture hall.



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