Sep 25 – 27, 2023
Ruhr University Bochum
Europe/Berlin timezone

The quantity and quality of astrophysical observations have significantly improved during the last years. Today often not only multi-wavelength – from radio to high energy gamma rays – but also multi-messenger – from cosmic rays over photons to neutrinos – data is available for various astrophysical sources. These measurements, which are sometimes showing additional strong time variations, challenge current models of cosmic-ray propagation and interaction.

CRPropa 3.2 is one of several simulation frameworks that can be used to study cosmic-ray transport, including losses and secondary production, in a broad parameter space – from Galactic transport at ~TeV energies up to the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays traveling on the largest scales. 

The CRPropa workshop has been organized on a yearly basis since 2017. It has two main goals: Bringing together users and developers of CRPropa 3.2 to develop prospects of the software and interacting with other astroparticle software developers. More generally, it is our purpose to bring together the whole cosmic-ray transport community, to exchange ideas on bridging the gaps between different propagation tools.

This year’s CRPropa workshop will be organized at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, from September 25th to 27th. We are planning for a mixed format including contributed and invited talks that will be mixed with plenty of time for informal discussions. To kickstart any collaborative project ideas we can provide smaller rooms after the meeting (28.-29.09) if we get notified well in advance.

More information on the organization of the workshop, e.g., abstract submission, registration, or accommodation can be found on this indico page.

Ruhr University Bochum
Registration for this event is currently open.