25–27 Sept 2023
Ruhr University Bochum
Europe/Berlin timezone

Local Source Physics with CRPropa - Extending Test Particle Simulations for Modelling Leptohadronic AGN Jets

26 Sept 2023, 16:30
Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum


Marcel Schroller


Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the accompanying jets are candidates for the engine of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos. In 2017, IceCube observed an extragalactic high-energy neutrino event with a strong hint of a directional coincidence with the position of a known jetted AGN TXS0506+056. A deep understanding of the processes related to jets will fuel the field of high-energy cosmic rays, fundamental plasma, astro, and particle physics. However, an AGN jet’s physical and mathematical modelling is challenging, with ambiguous signatures that need to be understood by numerical simulations of cosmic-ray transport and interactions.

In this context, we present a simulation framework based on CRPropa 3.1 for hadronic constituents and their interactions inside a plasmoid propagating along the AGN jet axis. Consequently, with the ability to fully resolve particle propagation in three spatial dimensions, the framework was utilised to investigate the impact of spacetime-dependent photonic and hadronic target fields on hadronic interactions. In addition, we discuss the time dependence of these interactions and the resulting secondary particle spectra from blazar jets. Furthermore, we will present the results of our simulations and discuss how to implement non-linear leptonic radiation processes into our test particle simulation framework, enabling us to construct an improved physical description of AGN jets with spatially and temporally resolved interactions inside them.

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